Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Rant fully loaded and ready to go

At some point in my life, I don't know when but I matured, and with that maturity unfortunately came the inability to suffer immaturity. I may not be the most mature and by God I know I have a lot of growing to do, but I have gained standards. I know what I want and I don't necessarily know how to get it but I know I'm going to try to find out. I will not accept hypocrisy. I will accept disagreement, but I will not accept unfounded illogical contrary arguments build on Strawman theories to maintain your security. I will not accept pre-judgment. I realize this is prejudice, at the connotation of this is somewhat limited to discrimination and people forget that denotative really it means to judge before knowing.

I know my faults, and if you've read this far, first of all what the hell is wrong with you why are you still reading this? And second of all you know my faults too. I'm rude. If you've known me 5 years or longer, you know I am less rude today than I was 5 years ago. I'm also quick to apologize if you let me know I was rude. I'm petty and vengeful. I now think those thoughts instead of acting on them. The best revenge is my success. I am impatient, but I have learned the best things are earned with time. So I pace, I fidget, and I wait. Waiting is agony, but I've been through worse. I'm sensitive. Yes, I am hypersensitive. I always feel offended and attacked, but not by the things that would offend or upset normal people. No I'm offended by semantics. "Why is it I look nice TODAY. Did I not yesterday?" I am neurotic and insecure (see previous quotation.) I am, unfortunately, dramatic. It's something I'm working on, but I feel it is easier to be less dramatic when there is also less drama in your life. Even when I don't want drama some seems to find its way to me.

But for those of you who know me I pros far outweigh my cons I am efficient. I am productive. I am loyal. I am honest. I am fair. I am open minded. I am accepting. I am logical. I am loving and passionate. I am intelligent goddamnit, and unashamed. I can be humble when needed but I am not afraid to love myself and celebrate myself, and that is new.

I know what I want in a mate, someone stronger than me which may be hard to come by. (Well, at least someone stronger than me who also won't punch my face. That is probably going to be hard to come by, and I realize that.) I need my equal, I need my balance, I need someone I can submit to, someone who wants to lead so I can follow.

I am amazing and I will not allow for anyone to make me feel any less than that. It took me a long time to begin to believe that and I'm not gonna let anyone take that away from me.

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